Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Pass the Kit Challenge

Hi, everyone! I'm back to share my portion of the Pass the Kit challenge at Pixel Scrapper. I was on Team 1 and there were 4 designers on our Team - Pauline Thompson (me), Susan Cantin, Rose Thorn and Joyce Finn. Our group is PU only. There's a total of 4 teams - Team 2 and 3 are CU and Team 4 is comprised of the Pixel Scrapper Designers. All teams were given the same palette, so it'll be great to see what the other teams come up with. Here our palette...

Here's the Team 1 preview...

And here's a better look at my portion...

Download link for my portion...

The challenge will officially end on July 31 and here is a link to Pixel Scrapper were everyone will be posting their results.




  1. Pauline, thank you for being part of group 1 of "Pass the Kit". Thank you also for your portion of the kit, it is lovely as always. -Marie

  2. This is so nice! Thank you for sharing!

  3. Hi Pauline, I was wondering if there is anyway I could get the gorgeous kit above?? I have tried several times but the link does not work..I would so appreciate it..Thanks Julia
    PS of course I would pay for it..

  4. I'd love to know the names of the other kits in the team preview. I'm still learning how Pixel scrapper works and couldn't find any of them. Thanks :D

    1. Beth, we all shared our parts on our own blogs and I don't know if anyone else's is still available.

  5. Thanks for sharing :)
