Friday, May 15, 2015

Blog Trains

Hi, everyone! First I have a tidbit of news to share: everyone knows we recently had to and had give up most of our cats. Well ~ huge smiley face ~ I was able to get two of my babies back! Happy, happy, happy!!! I still miss my outside kitties and our dog but I'm so happy to have all of my inside kitties (except for my scaredy cat that went crazy when we were trying to catch her and ran off) back.
I know that living in an apartment (townhouse) isn't ideal for my husband and I do miss living in the country but we're in a good place (even though it's a little noisy sometimes) and it's nice to only need one tank of gas for two weeks instead of two or more. Anyway, onto the blog trains (yeah, it's the 15th already). I have three trains for you. The first train is the SNP May Blog Train and, as usual, I made an alpha. Here's a video of the train...

Here's my alpha...

Download link:

Blog roll:

Dreamn4ever Designs - you are here

My second train is the Wilma4Ever blog train - Blossoming. Here's my part...

Download link:

Blog roll:

Dreamn4ever Designs - you are here

And the last train is the We Believe blog train - Faithful. Before I show you my preview, I want to tell you that starting next month the We Believe train will semi-merge with the Digi-Hop train. We will still be a faith based train and have a Bible verse for our parts but we will use the Digi-Hop colors. I don't know a lot about the Digi-Hop but hopefully this will all go well. Here's my part...

Just a side note - I added the purple to the original palette (it was in the palette photo but not one of the featured colors). I don't know if anyone else used the purple or not.

Download link:

Blog roll:

Dreamn4ever Designs - you are here




  1. Thanks for the blog train links Pauline, and congratulations on getting two of your fur babies back. Enjoy them.

  2. It's late I'll be back tomorrow for this one and don't forget to go to BlueCat's Blog too @

  3. Does this mean we will have to go to the Facebook site in between like Digi Hop does now? Love the gifts on that hop but not continuously returning to Digi Hop Facebook. I hope not as this is our favorite Blog train. Thank you for the many gifts, God Bless

    1. I'm not sure yet. I think something was said about still having our little bog roll but I'll let y'all know when I know.

  4. Great Alpha Pauline. Thanks so much. I must feel good to have a couple of your kitties back in your life.

  5. What wonderful blog train entries - thank you for sharing!

  6. Thank you for all the wonderful freebies!

  7. Thank you for your part of the train, very pretty

  8. Thank you for all the lovely blog train contributions!

  9. Thanks for the beautiful kits!

  10. Thanks for the goodies!! love it.

  11. Thanks for sharing :)
